It seems that every minute is consumed with something!
Ever feel that way?
Logan has to be to Track by 8:30am,
which means leave house by 7:55 (in case of traffic).
Hang out at school til 10:30 - to avoid an extra hour of driving.
Rush him to Irvine for Geom class by 11.
Do a couple errands, go home
Take Krystin to Algebra at Capo at 1:25pm (ish)
Todd picks up Logan from Irvine at 1:45-2 (opposite direction)
Pick up Krystin from Capo at 4pm
Head to beach for Kc to practice surfing til 7ish
then other activities -
tonight is Cross Country meeting at 7pm...
If you haven't heard from me much lately -
Blame it on the State of California!
You know, the no talking while driving thing...
2 more weeks and the summer classes will be over...

Ever feel that way?
Logan has to be to Track by 8:30am,
which means leave house by 7:55 (in case of traffic).
Hang out at school til 10:30 - to avoid an extra hour of driving.
Rush him to Irvine for Geom class by 11.
Do a couple errands, go home
Take Krystin to Algebra at Capo at 1:25pm (ish)
Todd picks up Logan from Irvine at 1:45-2 (opposite direction)
Pick up Krystin from Capo at 4pm
Head to beach for Kc to practice surfing til 7ish
then other activities -
tonight is Cross Country meeting at 7pm...
If you haven't heard from me much lately -
Blame it on the State of California!
You know, the no talking while driving thing...
2 more weeks and the summer classes will be over...
Here so you can feel like you are on our journey with us:
Just being silly
Just being silly

Oh Yes!
And Kayla had Senior Pictures!
How can it be???
(I took pics on the sly of the session)
And Kayla had Senior Pictures!
How can it be???
(I took pics on the sly of the session)

Feel like you were there?
Todd and I had fun watching our baby get her pics!
Also, they have July Cross Country (re)Tryouts too
To make it you have to run a 5k under 19mins 30 secs!

Logan was awesome!
Oh, and since we didn't know WHICH school the kids were going to be attending til the end of last week - I didn't have a chance to get the sports physical done ahead of time...
Tryouts were at 9am Monday Morning.
730am we were at Urgent care getting the form signed.

and to finish most every day
at the beach...