Saturday we had a party for Kay at our house. I had just switched to nights on Weds and subsequently worked Weds, Thurs, and Friday nights, so Saturday I was a bit out it. But, the party was awesome!

Ok My Kayla Love... My 15 favorite things about you!
1. Your laugh (hearing you laugh instantly fills me with joy)
2. Your eyes (they are full of so much emotion they melt my heart)
3. Your passionate soul (whether it is passion to succeed or state your opinion - I value how passionate you are and hope it will carry you to accomplish all of your dreams)
4. Your mind (you think on a higher level than most and I respect you for that)
5. Your ability to think rationally, amidst chaos (I have never known anyone that can analyze and evaluate a situation without losing them self to emotion - amazing)
6. Your compassionate nature (you don't go out of your way to show this side, but when it counts most you take care of your siblings with amazing strength of spirit)
7. Your love of literature &ability to write (you love to read and appreciate writing that is filled with depth and are able to write in a way that lifts the reader to a level...)
8. Your night time hugs (nothing is better than going to sleep with a Kay hug)
9. Your desire to learn languages (Especially Japanese, it amazes me)
10. Your ability to face challenges, even when you feel you can't... You don't give up.
11. Your determination to succeed!!! (sweet Kay this is what will carry you through in life)
12. Your love of your family. (you are so kind to your siblings and always look out for them)
13. You are non-judgmental of others and accepting... (you love people for who they are and not what they might seem to be)
14. Your sense of humor!!! (even in the midst of a disagreement we can start laughing hysterically. I love that about you!)
15. My favorite thing about you my Kayla --- is --- That you are my child and I have the privilege to be your Mommy every day now and always. You may not always live near me, but I will always be there for you if you need me. I am thankful for that opportunity to share my life with you! Thank you for being mine!
Happy birthday Kayla! Tamara, what a beautiful tribute to your sweet girl. Miss you guys!
Happy birthday Kayla!
We need our Mexican hats :)
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