Yay! My sweet boy has returned! He had a wonderful week at scout camp! He learned how to sail a small boat, played Canoe Wars, earned Wilderness Survival, and went snorkeling and much more... He came back tan and ready to shower and sleep. We are all so happy to have him home.

Honey! Who is that that you see???

YAY! Logan's Home! Even Honey was thrilled!

After a few short moments at home. Logan was so happy to have a shower and reconnect with his electronics... Logan's wearing the cape from the girls.
While he was gone last week, Todd & I surprised the girls (on Weds) and took them to Magic Mountain. We had an awesome time with the girls. The girls were so cute they won Logan a Superman cape, since he was gone. They each won wonder woman capes, so now the three of them can fight evil together! LOL! I will have to load a pic of the three of them together. So cute.
Well, school is just about to start, as we brace for the storm of a busy schedule with two kids in Junior High and one in high school and taking a class at the local Junior College... aaahhh.
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