Sorry it has been so long since I have updated. My computer is acting a bit naughty! Todd loaned me one of his laptops, so I can update now, YAY! It has been VERY busy too... Ok, so what have the Haser's been up to???
Well... Honey got a hair cut. (o;

Sweet unsuspecting little girl taking a leisurely nap. Exhausted after playing hard with her toys, Oh she is sooo cute!
Honey was less than cooperative while we were trying to get a pic!

Stay still little girl, look up!
Finally she gave me a smile (sort of)....

Well, after no prince charming came to the door she pulled out the bow and yanked off the bandanna! It lasted about 20 minutes! Goofy little thing.
Todd works a different work schedule he works 9 8 hour days and then gets the 10th day off, so basically he has every other Friday off. If I am not working we try to do something with the kids on those days. A few weeks ago we took the kids to the Aquarium of the Pacific (one of our favorite spots) and then out to lunch at the Bubbagump Restaurant. It was a lot of fun. The restaurant is based on the movie Forest Gump, which we had not seen before (but do own, go figure). So that night we watched the movie as a family. It was a good movie!
Bubba's dream brought to life! LOL!
Apparently, since I am working too. My Dad feels that some how my kids are lacking in sustenance and has taken it upon himself to make sure that the kids get fed and 'treated' well. (o; He has sent them three fun baskets.

Kids with a bubby basket! YUM!
I have had a bit of a crazy schedule lately. I have one more week of working days then I will go to nights. I hope that transition goes well. I am glad that I am able to work nights and be available for the children during the day if they need me! Besides being super busy with getting the kids ready for school, getting their schedules, lockers, supplies and everything else - I promised the kids I would take them for a fun day, so we went to Knotts Berry Farm. Next on the list is Disneyland, but we want to bring Daddy with us! (o:

The kids are serious adrenaline junkies now, but I made them humor me and go on this younger kid ride, because just seeing them on the horse roller coaster made me laugh! Yes, I went on it too! It actually was really fun (a little odd, but fun).
Krystin's girls activity group had a fair last Friday night. The girls were supposed to decorate a potato for a contest. Krystin is SOOO cute she took one look at her potato and said, "Mom, that is a puffer fish potato!" ... "I need some toothpicks." I think she did a great job, so cute! I was sad to miss the fair (I was at work), but was happy Todd was able to get out early and go with her! (o;

Cute ,but deadly (o;

Logan left for scout camp this morning. He will be spending the week camping on Catalina Island! Lucky duck! I hope that he is safe. I always worry when my kids are away. What am I going to do when they go to college? He seemed very excited and has a great group of boys to go with and awesome leaders, so all should be well - I pray!
The kids start back to school on Sept 2nd. That is when everything should get a little more interesting as their schedules get more complicated. Kayla is actually taking Japanese through the local community college and that class starts next Tuesday. She will get dual credit for college and high school. She is very excited, because that means she will be able to get out of school at 12:20p on Tues and Thursdays. However, her Japanese class is Tues and Thurs night from 7-9pm. Either way she can't wait!
That's all for now - love to everyone!