2/2002 - 4/4/2008
We love you and will always miss you!!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Lolly right after we got her, she was still a baby. She wasn't too sure if we could be trusted yet.
2/2002 - 4/4/2008
We love you and will always miss you!!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Lolly right after we got her, she was still a baby. She wasn't too sure if we could be trusted yet.
Before long she decided it was much better to hang out with us and get LOVE then to hang out and play with her toys.
She was the smartest, most amazing bird Todd or I have ever had the privilege to care for. After 4 months of being very ill, and numerous rounds with medications she finally passed on to be with Heavenly Father. We pray that she is enveloped in His love right now and always. Yesterday even though she had barely the strength to eat and breath she asked for extra love. Todd and I spent most of yesterday telling her how much we love her, cuddling her, and singing to her (which she especially loves). We hope that when she passed (in the middle of the night) it was knowing of the great love we had for her. We will truly alway miss our sweet friend who died before her time.
We wanted to have a special memorial for her, so we decided that we would plant a tree in our backyard in her honor. We have no trees back there currently. Todd and I went and looked for the perfect tree for our baby bird. We both saw this one tree and knew it was the one meant for her. It will hopefully grow into a big beautiful tree that birds will build nests in. We buried her under the tree... We had a beautiful memorial for her with the children. We shared many of the wonderful memories that we had of her and said goodbye.

Lolly's tree. Todd working hard to dig the big hole.

We love you Lolly and will miss you for the rest of this life time.. Until we meet again, God be with you...
such a sweet memorial for your Lolly.
So sorry to hear about your Lolly. What a fitting memorial to plant a tree as a reminder. Hang in there!
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