Then, Saturday morning we were to be at the stage first thing and Kayla woke up with her face all swollen & totally miserable! Poor sweet thing. I (Tamara) ran her to urgent care, while Todd took Kryst and Logo to the Pageant. Kayla was given a script for some antibiotics and we joined them there, just in time. It was really neat to see a lot of people from last year, get our costumes and be able to take part of this great pageant again. I did feel badly for the kids as we were on our feet and in the sun most of the day. Logan wasn't feeling super great yesterday either. )o: Amazingly, I didn't hear one complaint from the kids - they were just happy to be able to participate. What truly amazing kids!
Here are some pics from yesterday:
Here are some pics from yesterday:

Logan's Costume
Krystin in our tent trying on her costume (and then outside with it on). Did I mention we bring a tent to hang out in between scenes? Believe it or not I set the tent up (with some help from the kids). Well, I was impressed with myself! (o;
Caiaphas the bearded man himself on a short break.
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