It is VERY hard to believe, but it is true, my first born baby can now drive (accompanied by a licensed driver over 25yrs). We are very proud of our Kay!
Although, we now have a new nickname for her...
Her new name - Kayala
Why you might ask?
Click on the above picture and look at her name.
Apparently, she was so nervous about taking the test, when the DMV worker asked her to verify her name she didn't look closely enough. So, now technically she is Kayala! Oh my!
I have the BEST Kids... Really, it's true.
Krystin had a project for English she wanted to accomplish (extra credit). Basically, she had to bring to life a fictional character from a book. Kayla, our fabulous maker of divine creatures volunteered to help accomplish the task... With did I mention one NIGHT to do it in. The creature was decided upon, a dragon, material was gathered from the vaults of Kayla's secret lair, and work commenced to the wee hours of the night. Not a gripe, moan or complaint was heard from Kayla, as she graciously helped her baby sister. Kayla really does have the patience of a Saint with her sibs.
10:30pm, working together on the floor in my room for some reason, cute!
Krystin was filled with awe, appreciation and respect for her dear sister. She wanted to do something to show that gratitude, and at her weekly girl's activity she made Kayla a delicious bouquet of edible appreciation!
Pretty and yummy too!
My Mom and Sister are currently in Hawaii - working. When my Mom came home to visit she brought home special little prizes for everyone from Hawaii, kids got bears, hats, necklaces (Todd got a hat), but I liked my prize the best!
A Hula Honey! Can't beat that! (to appreciate this you would have to know of my extreme devotion to the delectable sweet substance that Honey is).
Last Week, we welcomed the newest addition to our extended family!
Welcome to the family
Jacob William Goldberg
Bonus Pic: I love this boy!

That's all for now - WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT and Watch out for teenage drivers!