Ok, I know, I know, I haven't updated for a bit. We have been very busy! (o;
So, here's the update in a nutshell:
Fourth of July weekend, my Dad was able to come out from AZ and spend it with us. It was fun to have him out. We kept pretty busy.
On the Fourth we went to our Ward Fourth of July Pancake breakfast. Very fun, and yummy too. After that we we picked Dad up from the airport. Went and saw a movie, per his idea. We saw Wall-E. SOO CUTE! We loved it! Then to make sure my Dad had the full experience we dragged him to the beach! HEEE HEE!

Kids at 4th breakfast - with the Honey!

Dad on the beach.

Todd with his Boogie Board and kiddos.
That evening we bbq'd at home and watched the fireworks from our backyard!

Yes, even Angel got in on the action.
Ok, I love my husband! He is so amazing, full of unsurmountable amounts of great information. Just takes me a back with what he is always willing to share with us. Well, Todd told me that he had an important lesson he wanted to teach the children at Family Home Evening a couple of weeks ago. I was very curious to here what he had to share. I knew it just had to be enlightening!!!
Ok, so what did he have to share?? He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a toilet seat cover. I am not joking he really did. He then explained all the important facts, such as the direction the shiny side should go on the toilet and how to properly place the cover on the seat, etc. LOL! I didn't even know there was a shiny side to those things. Silly me, I just put it on the seat...

You never know what you will learn at our house.. (o;
Last weekend, the boys went camping with the scouts. They went up to Arrowbear. I had never heard of it before, but apparently it is between Arrowhead and Bigbear. Todd said it was beautiful, and aside from Logan taking an extended 2 hour hike, while all the leaders searched for him they had a great time. Silly boy...
While the boys were gone, my Mom came out to our house and grabbed the girls Friday night. They spent the night at her house and went with her to her acting workshops she puts on. Yes, my Mom puts on acting workshops with real casting directors and stuff. It's pretty cool, and fun too. My Mom has been wanting us to come and see the workshops for a while, but she does them about an hour + from our house so we had been trying to coordinate. I met them at the workshop, so I could see her workshop and also save my Mom the extra 4-5hours that it would have probably taken her to drop the girls off in the opposite direction from her house. Sure was nice of her to pick them up on Friday. I am sure traffic was not fun...

My Mom with my girls at the workshop. (;
As for me, I just recently accepted a job at a local hospital working in the newborn Nursery. I am very excited. I attended hospital orientation this week, and will start on the floor next week. So, we are definitely keeping busy and trying to have some fun too.
Lots of love to everyone!
Ok, no blog would be complete without the cuteness of my sweet Indy bird:

Indy loves nothing more than a little early morning cuddle with her daddy.